Inducted 2010

Ron Dzwonkowski
Associate Editor, Detroit Free Press
Since 1972, Dzwonkowski (1951 — ) has delivered news and inspiration to Michigan – most significantly as a reporter, columnist, editorial page editor and associate editor for The Detroit Free Press.
He has won national awards for directing coverage of the crash of Flight 255 (National Headliners Breaking News, 1987) and staff editorials (National Headliners Editorial Writing, 2008). He edited a Pulitzer Prize feature finalist (1991, Twisted Love) and contributed to the Pulitzer-winning Local News entry (2008, Mayor in Crisis).
Dzwonkowski has been Michigan Press Association president and mentor to hundreds of journalists. His columns move readers to tears, laughter, outrage, action. From colleagues: “Ron is quick with a joke and quick to spring into action” with a “determination to keep Michigan informed and officials accountable.”